
University of California, San Diego August 2017 - March 2021
B.S. in Data Science; Minor in Economics

Practical Experience

Workday, Inc. May 2022 - Present
Software Engineer
Full stack software development on a mature product
Frontend development using JS, Typescript and React, updating old pages to new standards
Backend development in Java, new features and 100x improvements to performance
Debrief Video, Inc. August 2021 - February 2022
Software Engineer
Full stack software development in a fast-paced environment
Frontend development using Typescript to create a responsive user interface
Backend development using Golang to save information to and from an SQL database and Amazon s3
Human Powered Sumbarine at UCSD Sept 2018 - August 2022
1yr Electronics Team, 1yr Electronics Lead, 1yr Documentation Lead
Coordinated with several other teams to design and produce a competition machine
Embedded Programming in C++ for pilot information systems and variable pitch propeller control
Designing and maintaining a team website with a wiki using Jekyll (HTML, SCSS, liquid)
TiGears Robotics Team Sept 2015 - Jun 2017
Embedded Programming
Designing C++ code including PID control loops and computer vision
Participating in FRC events and competitions
Coordinating with several teams to produce a final product
Boeing Jun 2016 - Aug 2016
Software Engineering Internship
Designing databases in Microsoft Access
Creating a Visual Basic script to generate dynamic SQL queries
Creating Python code with other interns for a competition robot

Technical Strengths

Languages Golang, Typescript, Python, R, C/C++, Java, HTML/CSS, Javascript, PostgreSQL
Software React, Vim, PyTorch, TensorFlow, Spark, Dask, Linux, Git, VSCode, Jekyllrb, Latex

Project Highlights

Ludum Dare 53 Apr 28 - May 1, 2023
joh-dev/LD53 GDScript, Team
Human Powered Submarine website Jul 25 2020 - May 29, 2021
hps-ucsd-2020/ Javascript + Liquid, Team
GMTK Game Jam 2020 Jul 10 - Jul 12, 2020
ArcLyn64/gmtkjam2020 GDScript, Solo